Accurate data processing

Topography gravity effect

When the topography effect is accurately computed, the remaining tasks will be accurate

real data location shown on the topography
Computed Bouguer and topography gravity effect
Computing and comparing 2 Bouguer anomalies

Comparison between existing Bouguer anomaly and Bouguer anomaly computed using our software's

Existing Bouguer anomaly

New bouguer anomaly


Existing Bouguer anomaly computed with a classical approach
New bouguer anomaly computed with our software
Difference between existing and new computed anomalies is more than 2 mGals. We can mainly observe that the higher difference values are correlated with a higher topography gradient. In the existing Bouguer anomaly, the topography effects were not completely removed !
Comparing now the amplitudes

What is the consequence when the Bouguer anomaly is badly computed (without ENOUGH accuracy) ?

The consequence

The interpretation of the existing Bouguer anomaly will provide different conclusions compared to the new Bouguer anomaly because the anomaly amplitudes are over- and under-estimated. This will generate necessary a wrong interpretation.

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